Thursday, September 29, 2011

Whats Up???

Classes are going great this year. Lots Of old faces and pleanty of new ones.

Our Baby Ballet class is almost full we only have 2 more spots left for ages 3-4.
As well as out theater class which is clearly soooo much fun. Love to see all the dancers smiling at the end of a class.


Sat October 29th 2011 
we will be having halloween dress up week for our dancers.
We highly encourage dressing up for the class. We will be learning a Spoooookkkkyyy routine to show the parents at the end of class.

Nov 5th- Mom and Me week   &  Nov 26th - Dad and Me week

During these class we let the dancers teach mom how to dance. Follow thier lead, its thier turn to teach you.
dress comfy :)